Hi, I’m Stacey Shapiro – An Intuitive Transformative

Life Coach

Stacey B. Shapiro is a sought-after speaker, author, energy consultant, business consultant for therapists and other caregivers, certified coach, Board Certified Hypnotherapist, and trainer. She is the author of a children's book, Jay's Horrible Day, based on a true story about racism and discrimination. In addition, she has 20-plus years of experience working as a trauma-trained mental health therapist. She holds a Master's in Social Work from Rutgers University. Stacey went to Behavioral Health and Leadership Dynamics coaching school to gain certification as a Master Life Coach, Spiritual Mentor, Health and Wellness Practitioner, and Relationship Consultant. More training in SoulCollage(R), and Energy Psychology techniques through the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology and Terry Lynch. She has studied energy practices through Usui Reiki, Holy Fire Reiki (becoming a master and teacher). She utilizes Energy Medicine techniques, intuition, and healing techniques she has learned through various additional trainings, allowing her to work on the 12 chakra system, biofield, and meridians as well as access her own gifts for guidance and healing of others. Stacey utilizes her g-d-given intuition.

She works throughout the United States in her Coaching practice, Awareness Coaching, LLC. She has been on several podcasts. She was quoted in Redbook magazine, ASI magazine, and the Explore Holistic website.

She holds workshops for groups of people, including parents and therapists, on stress management, SoulCollage(R), Self Expression Art, mindfulness, self-care, emotional freedom techniques, and creates workshops on various topics as requested. Her workshops and groups take place all over the globe online.

Stacey loves to create communities, and sisterhood communities, in addition to her individual or family work. Self-care on all levels of being, including emotional and spiritual, has become a core value for herself, and she brings this to others through her coaching programs and individual work. She created Self-Expression Art to bring these core values to groups of others who are like-minded and want to access their subconscious mind, intuition, and creativity as a way into self-care. Her education on HSPs and Empaths, a specialty of hers, comes from studying the work of Dr. Micheal Smith, Julie Behrend, and Anodea Judith.

Stacey loves teaching others. Through her coaching company, she runs a 6-month Self-Care and Awakening group for mental health therapists, as well as an Advanced Healing group for mental health therapists, for those who want to go on for a deeper experience. She was guided to create these for her fellow mental health therapists who struggle with overwhelm and burnout.

She also brings workshops into the community and to corporations like the Bar Association of Pennsylvania, Cello Health, Elements Financial, and other organizations upon request. She has taught at the University level as a mental health therapist in the Play Therapy post-master program at Temple and Penn State University Human Development and Family Studies department.

Her sessions are often with family members who want to communicate more effectively and clear energy blocks. Or individuals looking for more skills to navigate their best life and co-create their desires with universe energy.

These are just a few of the tools she will use to collaborate with you towards your goals.

Contact Stacey if these resonate with you and you want a different perspective on things like:

• Finding your life’s purpose

• Learn more about your energy systems

• Abundance in all areas of life

• Clear blocks which stand in the way of your desires

• Gaining clarity

• Watch your life become more in alignement with your higher


What I Can Offer

I Can Help You In Different Situations

Adult Work-Life Balance Coaching

If you have the desire to make a change but have been unable to, then let’s work together.

Coaching for Children & Teens

If you are wondering if your child is HSP or an Empath,

don’t forget to get the

FREE e-workbook when you subscribe to the mailing list for more tips and tricks for parents and their children.

Energy Check Up

If you are struggling with physical health issues, a sensitive nervous system, or want stress management techniques, Energy Healing is the way to go. These energy techniques include Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or tapping), Reiki (distant), Comprehensive Energy Psychology, etc.

Recent Articles

Depression Therapy

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Individual Therapy

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Couples Therapy

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Children Therapy

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Individual Therapy

Consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore.

Post-Divorse Therapy

Consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore.

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