Blog Post

The Importance of Self-Care for Mental Health Practitioners

Stacey B. Shapiro, MLC, MSW, HWP

October 1, 2020

Why Self-Care?

Self-care in today’s world is a beneficial habit to have. If you work as a mental health practitioner, it is a necessity. Self-care is all the things we do to intentionally take care of ourselves. This goes beyond eating healthy and exercising. Though those practices are important, we need to engage at an emotional, mental, spiritual, and energetic level as well. Mental health practitioners give so much of themselves for their patients. They need to engage in self care so that they are not going into debt with their energy levels or emotional health.

Some of the key principles that I like to teach for self-care are:

Mindfulness meditation – A quick way to come into the present moment. One strategy I teach is the 20 breaths.

Essential Oil Use – Infusing a room with essential oils like lavender can instantly calm the mind and spirit allowing you to relax.

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Deep breathing – Where you inhale three times making sure your stomach is going out and when you exhale it goes down.

Setting boundaries – Crucial for self-care because it is prioritizing your well-being so that you can continue to do your job. When someone asks you to do something, check in with yourself before responding. If you feel resentful or tense, just say no.

Other tools I use for teaching self-care are visualization and balancing your energy. This allows you to care for yourself on a different level and to your whole being. As a Reiki Holy Fire Master/Teacher, I have learned how to clear negative energy as a way to feel calm and centered. Soulcollage(R) is another way that you can explore who you are so you can care for you in the best ways.

It is tough for so many. For those who are extra sensitive to fluctuations of emotion and stress of others, it has been even harder. Check out the Mental Health Practitioner Self-Care and Awakening Program, click here.