Surmount Your Battle With Burnout

Heal the Healer Membership

Attention: Mental Health Therapists/Practitioners

Reserve your spot today! Live bi-weekly calls and access to the portal. Starts in October.

See below for details. Pick one class either Wednesday nights at 6:30 pm or Tuesday mornings 10:30 am.

Virtual space is limited, held on zoom.


October 12th, 10:30am EST

Interested? Get more information at our free webinar!

Not just the same old same old self-care.

Self-care on all levels, emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, and energetically.

Reserve your spot below!

Email if you do not receive the zoom link in an email after reserving your spot.

by signing up you will also receive ongoing emails with tips and information about other events

How can we avoid burnout?

You’ve stopped dead in your tracks. Burnout is like quicksand; the more you struggle, the quicker you sink. What you need now is a helping hand to get you back on your feet. But the real question is, how do we stay on solid land once we’re on it?

In the last three years, therapists have been in high demand, arguably more than ever.

I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling it. Being able to help others thrive in crisis takes a toll, which is why I’ve created my Surmount Burnout Membership. This is an exclusive and private resource for therapists to connect and find support.

For $29.99 a month (or save with a yearly payment of $299), you’ll have access to a private LinkedIn Group, where you’ll be connecting with therapists just like you. There, you’ll have access to our monthly Therapist Talks with the community, and have access to therapist resources to keep you feeling rejuvenated and focused.

These include:

  • a Self-Care Workbook
  • Soul Community of Therapists
  • Grounding Meditation for Therapists
  • Emotional Freedom Technique/Tapping Class- Self-Care and Bringing it to Your Clients
  • Peaceful Space to Rejuvenate

No matter how long you’ve been fighting your battle with burnout, that ends now.

Join us. We want to hear your story and be there for you!

Let us take care of you through the fall and winter months. Even therapists need a safe community in order to grow. Access your inner self and find peace by signing up today. Your soul, relationships, and career will thank you!

About Stacey B. Shapiro, MSW, MLC, HWP

I have spent the last 20 years developing an intuitive and integrative approach to my work as a Master Social Worker, Play Therapist, Healer, and Master Life Coach. With HSP’s being over eighty percent of my practice, I have found the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Harmonic Vibrational Matching, Reiki, Soul Expression Art, and other Energy Techniques to be transformative for my clients. These are just a few of the tools I will teach you to experience more peace within your life. My style is down-to-earth, collaborative, and my intuitive nature makes it easy for clients to find success. Currently, I am in private practice virtually and by phone. I come to you with a wealth of information regarding navigating life-changing and stressful events.

Stacey has been invited to speak at corporate lunch and learn events.

The topics included Stress Management, Introduction to Mindfulness, Introduction to Emotional Freedom Technique, and Parenting Resilience During a Pandemic. She leads workshops in the community including SoulCollage(R), Mindful Pre-School Teachers and Their Students, Stress Management, and Mindful Parenting Classes. Her extensive work history includes teaching at the university level for Pennsylvania State University and Temple University teaching classes on Play Therapy and Human Development and Family Studies.

Reserve your spot today at or 610-608-2960