Blog Post

How Can Coaching Work For YOU?

Stacey Shapiro

July 24, 2020

I hear skepticism around coaching from a lot of people. In addition, I am a Clinical Social Worker, otherwise known as a counselor, so I can speak about both perspectives. To learn more about me click here. Believe me, I was skeptical before I was educated on the process and worked with clients in the coaching model.

The word coaching seems to bring up confusion. So, I thought I would write a blog to bring clarity about what is the benefit of coaching, who benefits from coaching and what happens in a coaching session. To see what the difference between coaching and counseling click here. It is my opinion, seeing a counselor who is also a coach is the ideal coaching situation. In sessions, if you are triggered emotionally, a counselor has the skills to help you through this even if they are acting as a coach with you at the moment.

Back to what coaching is, first, who can benefit. Anyone who feels their lives are functional on a daily basis. Meaning there is no current daily anxiety, depression or out of control feelings. For instance, there are no diagnosable symptoms that require counseling. If there are diagnosable symptoms, then counseling is a better approach.

I have worked with people in coaching who are also going to counseling at the same time. Or people who have graduated from counseling, and want to work on aligning their life with their true self. Coaching focuses on bringing someone who is functioning well to their next optimal level. For example, they want to get to the next career level, or find that relationship they haven’t been able to find, or they want to find balance within their work and family life.

I find coaching sessions usually bring clarity, inner alignment and joy. During sessions, you gain awareness of subconscious blocks, beliefs or feelings that are holding you back. Once we clear these blockages, your life tends to start flowing in a positive way. In coaching, clients receive support and learn new skills to implement on a weekly basis. They continue to grow into the person they want to be. If during the coaching relationship a need arises to access counseling, I will let you know.

I have seen my clients go from feeling very negative about life to seeing the positive in a short period of time. I’ve also seen businesses grow tremendously in a short period of time when we co-create your desire. Coaching is an exciting and fun journey to go on no matter what your desire.

All sessions are on the phone or on-line. I leave it up to you, whichever you prefer. Most of the time, weekly sessions are most beneficial until the goals are in sync with your optimal life. Then we shift to bi-weekly sessions that are implemented for continued success. If you are curious about coaching click here to contact me. I am happy to help you decide if coaching is for you.

Coaching can also occur with families, children or couples. My specialty is Highly Sensitive and Empath Parents and Children. If you are curious if you have either of these traits, click on my site to get more information and you can even sign up for the ebook,which further explains both traits and gives self-care ideas. I love to see how shedding light onto the hsp or empath trait for children and parents can help families work better together. Even if you do not identify with the sensitive traits mentioned, anyone can benefit from the self-care e-book. Let’s face it, everyone needs to implement their self-care to live at an optimal level.

Feel free to reach out anytime for a FREE 15 min phone consultation to see if we are a good fit to work together. Check out the information on my website and stay tuned for more blogs and information in the near future. For some other ideas on mindfulness for adults and children sign up for future emails on the homepage of Awareness Coaching, LLC and get the FREE e-workbook.