Blog Post

Coaching vs Counseling: What is The Difference?

Stacey Shapiro

July 24, 2020

I get this question a lot, “What is the difference between Counseling and Coaching?”

From my perspective, I look at how you are managing on a daily basis. If you are managing in your daily life, meaning you are going to school/work, caring for your health and well being, and sustaining friendships. Then coaching is appropriate. Counseling goes deeper into history and resolving deeper issues. If you are struggling by not going to work/school, your relationships are suffering, and you are sleeping a lot, or you are just finding it very difficult to manage throughout your day, then this is more appropriate for counseling.

Keep in mind anyone can call themselves a coach whether they are trained or not. This is why going to a coach who is also trained as a counselor is the best choice for you. Counselors, who also have a coaching background, are highly trained to help navigate any emotional triggers that could arise.

More information about coaching:

Coaching focuses on the present and the future.

It is solution based.

Sometimes it involves addressing past issues to help you identify and clarify your desires and to release old patterns of thought.

It is goal oriented and based on a wellness model. You are not diagnosed or “treated” for a disorder.

Most coaching is done over the phone.

The Coach’s goal in working with you:

To stimulate you to live intentionally with a strong sense of well-being and enthusiasm.

To help you achieve clarity about your goals

To provide tools for you to achieve your desires with your relationships, career and health.

More information about counseling:

Counseling/therapy is rooted in the medical/illness model and involves diagnosing and treatment.

Counseling/therapy often involves focusing on the past to help you move forward and release your barriers and inhibitions.

Counseling/therapy requires diagnosing the client.

Counseling/therapy is problem focused, which means it addresses issues.

Counseling/therapy is provided in-person (pre-covid)/face-to-face, online, or on the phone, whereas coaching is primarily done over the telephone, online or via emailing.

Goals of counseling are similar to coaching, creating change to make your life better. However, counseling works from a medical model. Diagnosing symptoms and focusing on the symptoms, trying to resolve them, so you can manage better in your daily life.

Counseling is the best choice if you’re struggling with managing your life. For example, if you’re struggling with major depression and cannot get out of bed, making it impossible for you to take care of your kids or get to work, and both areas of your life, relationships and work, are being affected, then you aren’t managing well. Coaching works best when you are managing life fully, but you want to obtain the next level in your life, and you are stuck. Through many modalities, whether in coaching or counseling, my craft is to move you through your stuck energy, creating a better flow towards what your true desires are at any given moment. I’m amazed by the quick results of how the coaching processes move people into their optimal life. However, counseling has its place for diagnosable symptoms. Whether you want coaching or counseling with me, we will find a unique plan in order to move you to your goals quickly.

Feel free to reach out anytime for a FREE 15 min phone consultation to see if we are a good fit to work together. Check out the information on my website and stay tuned for more blogs and information in the near future. For some other ideas on mindfulness for adults and children sign up for future emails on the homepage of Awareness Coaching, LLC.