Blog Post

Coaching for Highly Sensitive and Empath Children – A Wonderful Gift of Lifelong Coping Strategies

Stacey Shapiro

July 14, 2020

If you want more information about Highly Sensitive People or Empath click here to the frequent FAQs: What is a HSP and an Empath? You can also get the FREE Self-Care e-workbook here (remember to scroll down and click on the “Self-Care Survival Guide: How to Cope with Life as a HSP or Empath for Parents and Children” for even more information and self-care activities.

Why is coaching important for Highly Sensitive People and Empath children? As an empowered highly sensitive and empath adult, I’ll let you know what it is like as a child with these traits. Looking back as a child, I was labeled shy, clingy and anxious. As an adult, I know why this was happening. I fall into a category of 20 percent of the population. So, 80 percent of people do not have this trait, therefore, most people don’t understand it until they are educated on this subject. Their brains and nervous systems are wired differently. I hear from my HSP and empath coaching clients that others will tell you the following: “you are too sensitive,” “you feel too much,” ”there is something wrong with you,” “why do you care so much?”

Well, when you are born with a sensitive temperament, you do feel more deeply, you do care more, you notice more, and it takes more to soothe your nervous system. If parents and children gain awareness of this trait and understand themselves better, they will function better. In my counseling practice, I see many children that are diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, ADHD or Autism. When really they seem to be highly sensitive or empaths who are very sensitive to energy. Most school psychologists and even many therapists are unaware of the trait. Often people with this trait need more down time, they may need to move around more throughout the day, need more nurturing responses, and an environment that is peaceful.

Schools can be one of the worst environments for children who are empaths or highly sensitive. The lights, the amount of people in a room, and the teachers’ personalities deeply affect these children. This creates a situation where they may need to come home and nap. When I was younger, I needed a daily nap. I think my family thought I was depressed. I wasn’t, I was just soooo tired from all of the overstimulation from school. Please advocate for your sensitive children. They need your help getting teachers and administrators on board to lessen the anxiety throughout your child’s day.

So, my thoughts are, if we can give children the gift of understanding their true authentic selves at a young age, along with tools to help manage their energies and overstimulation, they would have less symptoms and more skills to deal with their overstimulation. They won’t have to wait to figure this all out in their thirties and forties or never. They will have self-care skills at a very young age. As adults they will be the empowered healers and intuitives that make the world a better place. They will know what they have, a talent for picking up on other people’s feelings and needs quickly, the ability for deep connection, knowing how to help others, and the ability to see the big picture. Understanding this trait creates awareness into understanding what your body needs and how to get your needs met. Once this awareness is gained, these sensitivities become an asset. It is what helps me cue into my coaching clients quickly and understand what they need to get unstuck and move forward. Some say it’s a blessing and a curse. I think once people understand the trait and how to manage it, it becomes a true blessing.

Give yourself, or your child, the gift of one-on-one coaching. Guidance on these coping strategies can be the difference between children ending up in the mental health system or as an empowered sensitive person. This trait is not a disorder but many counselors and psychiatrists are not familiar with the trait. See the about page and testimonials for more information about coaching.

Feel free to reach out anytime for a FREE 15 min phone consultation to see if we are a good fit to work together. Check out the information on my website and stay tuned for more blogs and information in the near future. For some other ideas on mindfulness for adults and children sign up for future emails on the homepage of Awareness Coaching, LLC and get the FREE e-workbook: