Blog Post

Body and Environmental Clearing Energy Tips

Stacey Shapiro

September 17, 2020

As empaths and highly sensitive people we collect energy in our biofield (AKA aura). You have heard of the aura before right. The energy around your body. It is about an arm’s length away from the physical body on all sides. It is important to clear it daily. Our children are also collecting energy. I’m a Reiki Master, which not everyone is aware, but thought I would share with you in this blog because it is important to know where this information is coming from. During the training they made me aware of the various chakras and the aura. In the Comprehensive Energy Psychology training and the Reiki training, taught me energy can get caught in our energy system and clearing is important. There are various ways to clear your energy. Think of this as one more self-care practice. If you want to feel calm and centered, energy hygiene is necessary daily.

My favorite ways of clearing energy is using essential oils in a spray bottle and spraying it around the room. Another way is opening the windows for even a short period of time will clear the negative energy also. Using your breath is another way to clear energy. Breathing in the word relax and imagining all of the stuck energy releasing on the out breath. So, exhale saying “release” to yourself.

When there are strong emotions like anger in the house, try using these clearing techniques. See if you can sense the change in energy and what works for you and your family. Breathing, crystals, vibrations from singing bowls, intention and imagination, whatever works use it. Make the ritual of clearing energy a daily practice around something else you already do. For instance, in the morning after you brush your teeth. Or around lunch time. The easiest way to implement a habit is putting the new one around an old habit. This way you are sure to clear the energy at least once in the house and around yourselves. Remember to clear your children and the environment the same way. Journal before and after so you can start to see the sensations you feel inside are different when you take time to clear energy. You and your family will feel more grounded, centered and happier. There are internal ways to clear energy as well. However, it is more effective to feel these in the present with a coach, counselor or healing practitioner.

Feel free to reach out anytime for a FREE 15 min phone consultation to see if we are a good fit to work together. Check out the information on my website and stay tuned for more blogs and information in the near future. For some other ideas on mindfulness for adults and children sign up for future emails on the homepage of Awareness Coaching, LLC.